Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ancient Greece was a time of great intelligence. Many great, well known scientists were from Greece in ancient times. These scientists contributed greatly to the modern world.

One of these scientists is Aristotle, a great philosopher. He was a student of Plato and a teacher to Alexander the Great before he was known as "The Great". He wrote many books about many different topics, ranging from politics and physics to dreams and poems. Many people say that he was one of the most intelligent philosophers of all time.

Another philosopher from ancient Greece is Democritus. Democritus was the founder of the atomic theory. He hypothesized that matter was made up of atoms (which is entirely correct) and that is why matter can change. The atoms are always moving and clustering in different ways and sometimes atoms are added, therefore, things can change from solid to liquid and can grow.

Archimedes is a well known engineer from ancient Greece. He discovered the law of Archimedes which states that an object floating in a liquid weighs less than it did on land; the object's initial weight subtracted by the amount of the liquid that is displaced by the object equals the weight of the floating object. Archimedes also invented the lever and used it to transport ships from the dock to the water.

Hippocrates is known as the greatest physician of all time. He said that one could not study an illness secluded in the body, but had to study the patient as a whole. He often believed that the cause of an illness was due to bad life choices. Hippocrates is believed to have written the Hippocratic Oath (hence the name), which physicians and medical personal follow today.

Aristarchus is a Greek astronomer. He was the first person to view the immense size of the universe. He discovered that the moon, planets, sun, and stars do not rotate around the earth. He found that the sun was actually much, much larger than the earth, which lead to the conclusion that the earth rotates around the sun, instead of the other way around. Aristarchus' findings on the earth and sun where not proved to be correct until 1839.

These are just a few of the many amazing scientists and their contributions from ancient Greece. This was definitely a time of great wisdom.

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