Saturday, November 21, 2009

Islam and Europe

It is clear that Islam has quite an effect on medieval Europe, is many different ways socially and politically. Many different things were brought back from the middle east to Europe that people there had never seen before, in quality and type of things. Many different spices, items and ideas came from the middle east.

The crusades created a constant demand for shipping and men to travel to and from the middle east to gather goods. The economy of many European countries benefited from the invasion and conquest of this area. Items from the middle east were so enchanting and captivating that there simply was not enough of it to satisfy as many Europeans that wanted such goods.

As for many of the Aristocrats and wealthy people who set out for the middle east in search of wealth and prosperity from these lands many of them never returned and the their land and belongings were granted to the kings and queens of these countries. this gave prominence back to many of the kings and queens of the European realm.

Many of the ideas and intellectual advancements of the time for Europe came from the middle eastern realm. The people of the East were far more intellectually advance than their western European brothers and many scientific ideologies were brought back to Europe with the crusaders.

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